Fieldville - Today the palace announced that as part of Our Dear Beloved Supreme Leader's program of self realization, Our Dear Beloved Supreme Leader will give advice to normal citizens
FREE OF CHARGE. The following is the first installment:
Dear Our Dear Beloved Supreme Leader:
You are my hero and you are dearly beloved at our family altar. My taxpaying dad loves to talk about your exploits in the Cattown Wars, and your justice in dealing with the evil-doers. I am a junior at Fieldville High and love Fieldville High's Fighting Fighters, but the proctor of our school wants to raise next year's graduation, desk rental, and janitorial fees. Some of my friends, not me, don't think it's fair, because Flattburgh High's fee's are less and they even have classes like art and waterboarding. We all know that it is a privilege to live in the Free Territories of Fieldville, Besides, Flattburgh still owes Fieldville billions of cobs for their complacency in the Cattown Wars, shouldn't Flattburgh pay our fees, since we will be taxpaying citizens and they are only Flattburghers?
Yours in Fieldville's future,
Name withheld for fear of decapitation.
Dear Fear of Decapitation:
Fieldville High is the best educational institution in the Free Territories of Fieldville, and you should be proud to be part of it. Complaining taxpayers have no place in Fieldville citizen society, it's the kind of thing I would expect from the Artists' District. Speaking of art, there is no place in our schools for classes that don't add to our tax base, and we all know what the Artists' District is like. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and pay the fees that your proctor so deservedly demands.
Your Dear Beloved Supreme Leader.

The palace now gives free advice