I was on the square the other day when the regulars from a CCG (Coffee Complaint Group) broke up and flowed into the street to get their last few complaints aired before they left for the day and stored up a whole new batch for the next CCG meeting. Complaints ran the gamut and bounced off me right and left. As they gradually ebbed away, the CCGers got into their over-sized pickups to seek truth, justice, and the American way. At last there were only two left and they had not yet shed their entire inventory of complaints. One of the last caught my attention and I heard, "We don't need all them changes anyhow."
What came next has to be the quote of the month, if not the year. It was, "
We got to slow down really fast."
I'm not kidding that is what I heard, wow. That was also the end of the session for the day and the last two standing got into their pickups. There are so many levels to that quote I hardly know where to start. Without getting into dialetheistic debates or arriving at some level of paraconsitent agreement, I would say that we don't have to slow down really fast anymore than we need to become fast really slow.
Where's Paul Harvey when you need him?
1 comment:
Is that the same guy who runs his big pickup down the highway about 64 mph?
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