Thanks for your support - send better employees, SPF 10,000, bags of ice, corn-dogs, corncobs, cornrows, scarecrows, wheelbarrows, a road that narrows, more zeros, bigger heroes, mirror ohs, sweets, heats, fleets, beats, seats, and tweets to @cjswift
Ya know … like … alweys felt like that … like … "STREET LEVEL" meant, well, y'know, that the street there was level, but more and more im thinkin that maybe the street ISNTT! level, and the guy just THINKS that it IS, y'know? Like, from HIS point of view, like? Which means, y'know, that HES tilting to one side or the uther, just a bit, j'know? Has anyone been by there? What, excactly, does it look like …the street, i mean?.
Don't LOOK at the GUY, OK?? We can do this without any risk to ourselfs.
I, for one, find it exceedingly unsetting that the entire staff take their vacations together. That's not healthy! Click 'agree' if you do; go out to Bob's Billy-whatzit if you don't.
The Employment Criteria Standards Enforcer
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