WASHINGTON, IA - I remember little of what happened before I emerged from a year in the rabbit hole. It seems I was in a place of proctors and supreme leaders, but I cannot say for sure. All but the last hour is but a hazy recollection, as in a fleeting dream of wispy phantoms. My last clear memory of the other side was of fleeing the Mind Police of the late Minister of Morality and finding myself in a dark wood. As I plunged deeper into the wood, a profound darkness and despair overtook me, and I began to slow.

It was then I realized I could no longer hear the sounds of my pursuers, still I made my way deeper to evade them altogether. I happened upon a small glade and spied on its opposite side a glow unlike yet anything I had seen in this discouraging place. I vied lightward and stumbled upon the
Headless Goddess of Luck, who could not speak, but caused my ears to hear her.
"You have been too long in this place," she said from that glowing aura about her. "Now you must return to where you belong and take back all that you have learned here,"
I found myself unable to speak or I would have assured that dreadful shade that I had not the memories of what had transpired these twelve months. Before it could vex me further I found myself drawn to her aura, nay not her aura, but rather an eye of light which filled the dire wood about me. I followed the light until that very I swallowed me and I found myself back here in the Clean City.
I have not the strength to continue this day, but I assure dear reader that I will return anon with news.
Thanks for your support -@cjswift ex machina
Love this, beatiful
Thanks Diane
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