Above is the new library's pigeon. It is currently living in what will be the skylight. While the pigeon might be considered the official city bird, it is probably not a good idea to have a library pigeon. A raven has a literary tradition that might be excused. A nightingale, ditto. A pigeon has the "rat with wings" tag and it pretty much deserves it. So if the library is going to have a bird, I think they should reconsider species; even the toucan was on a cereal box, let's get a bird with a better rep.
Only five days left to show your feelings about palapas in Iowa. Don't let this chance to add another dimension to lawn ornamentation pass you by.
Hmm... apparently you've never heard of a little author named Mo Willems. That's right, he has an entire series of picture books based on a pigeon character. "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus." Is one of my favorites. Read a single book with the wiley Pigeon character and you'll forever love the rats with wings! (check 'em out at your local public library!)
at least that's what you're supposed to say when the pigeon wants to drive the bus.
I think.
They remind me of geese - always leaving their "mark" on cement where you want to walk ...
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