These steps lead down to the cellar of a well known Washington landmark. Snakes and toads and lions and bears must live down there. We're all glad that door is shut or who knows what would be loosed upon us all. If you click on the picture you will see that inscribed above the door is "1848". Most people assume that this is a date some 20 score and 1 years past. It is in fact part of the necromancy of our ancestors. Few could doubt this if they took just a moment to realize that number is 11 in the arcana of numerology indicates a "Master Year". It should also be remembered that 2009 is a master year and it is 11, and it vibrates with the vortex just outside of Brighton. Here is the scientific proof. (2+0+0+9= 11). It guarantees we will have rain in the next few months and that should end any doubt the skeptics among you may hold. We should all feel the vibration of 11 in the "Clean City", know that it is time for rubber shoes. 11 indicates this not a good year to dig holes or start a hog confinement business.
Today is the last day of our Palapa Poll - we want to thank all of you who have taken a moment to vote for cutting edge lawn ornamentation. Tomorrow we will announce the results.
Thank you for your support.
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