Hours until Celebrate Your Senses - You will be safe there...
Tomorrow is the day to Celebrate UR Senses...pay attention because there will be a test afterward. It's a full day (OK, almost a full day 10 am to midnight) of senses celebrating, the likes of which hasn't been seen since the building of the pyramids, the opening of the Panama Canal, the opening of the on ramp at G-36, and the last ice age. There will be music all day and all night - the west side of the square will be covered with over 1,024 wide screen TVs scrolling breaking news all day, well maybe not, but you can bring your Blackberry if you really can't get away from the TV for more than a few minutes. There will kids activities galore, with Bandanna the Clown strolling the park. There will be story-telling and a 1800's one act play at the State theater. And if that were not enough, there will be art in the park from 10 am to 5 pm, with sculpture, painting, ceramics, woodcraft, and photography for everyone's taste - speaking of taste there will be food vendors and local restaurants to sate your hunger. Don't forget to stop and get your Celebrate Your Senses T-shirt screened right there in situ (the original Latin sense).
The Main Street side of the square will be blocked off and at 5 o'clock the music will move from the park to the street.
An adult beverage area will be located next to the music and dancing. The street was made for more than just random parking by pickups - it was also made for music and dancing - there will be a street dance and a battle of the bands. At 9pm Bob Dorr and the Blue Band will play until midnight.
So there you go - turn on your TiVo and get yourself down to the square tomorrow.
Thanks for your support - send people to downtown, cash for my clunker, unlimited downloads, a better cell plan, 10 year printer cartridges, fun, enlightenment, and tweets to @cjswift