Everybody is coming to Celebrate Your Senses on Saturday - Are You?

Street Level has consulted the Municipal Oracle for her forecast. After the appropriate divination (no animals were injured or killed) she has stated: No particularly satanic entities seem to be coming, although demons from the high school may be seen. Choirs of angels have the month of August off, so major paperwork shouldn't be necessary. The black monolith in front of the new library hasn't caused anyone to use bones as weapons yet, and is not expected to come alive until the next Venus/Moon conjunction. Cell phone reception is guaranteed to be perfect, and people with large pickups will learn to park by Saturday so there will be no problems and everything will be perfect.
Pack yourself up to the Farmers' Market this evening and get in the mood for Saturday - only a few hours left to participate.
Thank you for your support - send chum salmon flavored Spam, beets and goat cheese, teeny tiny little paper umbrellas, Rap music performed by Bluegrass bands, Steam-powered airplanes, calliopes, Gilligan's Island action figures, and tweets to @cjswift
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