Angels from the Cherubim, Powers, and Principalities choirs, toting sheaves of application and waiver forms for the Municipal Exorcist to fill out, appeared in the sky over the incorporeal zone last evening. The Municipal Exorcist had the day off and none of the city workers had a surplice or violet stole for the occasion. Needless to say the skies opened, tornadoes, and plagues of complex phone bills descended upon the Clean City.
The city is currently looking for an honest, humble, intelligent, blameless, and courageous citizen who doesn't mind a bit of corporeal mortification for a small honorarium. Interested persons are encouraged to apply in person at city hall during regular business hours; hairshirts not furnished.
Thanks for your support - send clockwork beer steins, rigid frame airships, National Health Service spectacles, and twitters to @cjswift
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