16 errors found in the history of Heartland were corrected today. The valiant workers of enterprise made over a thousand right shoes to be exported to the clean zone for matching with the outlawed left. Official faith-based weather forecasts suggest plagues of frogs will not be a problem this year due to a weak la
nina. Expect locusts later in the year as the crystal spheres align in the
trine known as the goose. Elsewhere, outside the designated burn zones you may notice a slight tendency for foaming and stinging eyes. The proctors have notified us these are not serious and should not be reported to you local health service associate. Questions and comments can be directed to your local truth council for remediation and actions appropriate to your non compliance.
Oh, there is the picture = There you go another alley - thanks for your support and twitters.
One addition: I'm not sure faith-based weather forecasters believe in la niña.
Thanks Monte, you're right of course, and thanks for taking the time to use an actual ñ for niña
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