This is just the kind of slippery slope that needs to be avoided at all costs. Many coffee clubs have for years warned us of just this kind of thing. If we continue on this path - just how long will it be before the mimes and giant street puppets insinuate themselves into our midst? I know some of you say, what harm is a little food selling, it's what the people want. I SAY WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT IS IRRELEVANT!!!!! People want to enjoy themselves - you know what that leads to!!!!
I say we keep the people out of the park and it will be safe. I say keep the people out of the park and it will be clean. I say keep the people out of the park and we can keep people off the streets and sidewalks. I say only when you can completely shop from the comfort of your own car window, or a nice trip to the mall where they know how to sell overpriced fashion items to teenagers, will our God-given right to shop be realized.
Join me in the fight to close our parks and get people off our streets and sidewalks - they have cable and satellite TV WHY AREN'T THEY USING THEM??????
Send tranquilizers, Fox News videos, and twitters to @cjswift
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