Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Banned in Fieldville

The Proctor of Free Speech and Correct Thought has reviewed the last series of Smith Family Values and has determined them to be a detriment to the free city of Fieldville and all of its sub-dominions.  She is therefore banning the Sally series of Smith Family Values until such time as they show the Dear Supreme Leader is like a father to us all and if we have any problems whatsoever, well we can always text or tweet him for advice.  During his well deserved rest on the shores of Mud Lake, The Proctor of Free Speech and Correct Thought will be monitoring your texts and tweets for signs of incorrect thought.  Yes, all the free citizens will have their texts and tweets monitored at no extra cost to them, during this trial period.

Click if you dare all clicks with be monitored

Thanks for your support - send sleet, freezing rain, ice build up, falling branches, freezing puddles, power outages, ice-covered cars, frozen locks, stuck windshield wipers, frozen mirrors, zero traction, ice jams, end of the world scenario claiming  meteorologists, and cable news to Pat Robertson so he can tell us which one of you out there caused all this.  Oh, and you can send tweets to @cjswift, but do it ex machina

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