Wednesday, January 25, 2012

ODBSL-T 22nd Dream

Thanks for your support

Friday, January 13, 2012

ODBSL-T is now at Mud Lake

Mud Lake, the Southern Palace - Our Dear Beloved Supreme Leader is now on his annual retreat to the Southern Palace for some much needed R&R.  On his first night there he boldly stepped into the night waters without his bodyguard.  The Fieldville palace was abuzz this morning with possible implications of this turn of events. The Dear Beloved Supreme Leader's spoke person and direct in line for the Supremenessship, Biff Ronnie said, "I never question Our Dear Beloved Supreme Leader's actions, they're always perfect in every way."
Biff Ronnie does not question Our Dear Beloved Supreme Leader - ever!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Council of Proctors Introduces the "Candy as Wages Act"

Fieldville - the Candy as Wages Act sailed through the weekly Proctorial meeting last night and is to implemented tomorrow.  The act simply stated allows citizens to pay residents candy instead of wages for yard work, construction, or computer programming.  "They just waste money when you give it to them, this will be much better for everyone, " the Proctor of Justice and Taxes said.

Our Dear Beloved Supreme Leader endorses the Candy as Wages Act.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

ODSL Uses Thinking Goggles

Fieldville - Our Dear Beloved Supreme Leader has put on is thinking goggles to solve the problem of what to do with the extra day that the International Brotherhood #42 of the Druidic Path has stated will occur this year.  All citizens are urged to take this seriously and work with their local proctor to make this a safe and hygienically moral year for one and all.
Our Dear Beloved Supreme Leader in his "Thinking Goggles"

Thanks for your support please send - thingies, stuff, frough frough, extra commas, backyard/backdoor politicians, Freudian slips, freedom fries, evil-doers, crock-pots, wind-up proclaimer clocks, cotton bricks, peanut brittle ant hills, zip drives, very large nose pads, and tweets to @cjswift ex machina opus felix