Monday, August 29, 2011

Citizens Disgruntled Over New Justice and Taxes Ruling

Fieldville - With the persistent rumours of water possibly falling from the sky, Street Level has reposted a classic post.

There was a palpable air of tension pervading Cob Park this morning as citizens learned of the new Justice and Taxes ruling.  According to sources near the Proctory, the Proctor of Justice and Taxes is planning to levy a municipal water usage fee for water that has fallen on citizens' properties during the last few day.  According to undisclosed sources, the Proctor of Justice and Taxes sees the rain as direct competition with municipal water.  These sources say that when the proctor heard that some citizens were erecting devices to capture the "free" water - it was the last straw. The proctory has estimated that 167,000 gallons of "free" water has fallen on each acre of Fieldville during the last week.  No word yet on what the fee will be for each gallon of "free" water.
Citizens Disgruntled Over "Free" Water Fee
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