Wednesday, January 4, 2012

ODSL Uses Thinking Goggles

Fieldville - Our Dear Beloved Supreme Leader has put on is thinking goggles to solve the problem of what to do with the extra day that the International Brotherhood #42 of the Druidic Path has stated will occur this year.  All citizens are urged to take this seriously and work with their local proctor to make this a safe and hygienically moral year for one and all.
Our Dear Beloved Supreme Leader in his "Thinking Goggles"

Thanks for your support please send - thingies, stuff, frough frough, extra commas, backyard/backdoor politicians, Freudian slips, freedom fries, evil-doers, crock-pots, wind-up proclaimer clocks, cotton bricks, peanut brittle ant hills, zip drives, very large nose pads, and tweets to @cjswift ex machina opus felix

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do believe that more of this sort of thinking could take us a long way!