Friday, March 19, 2010

From the Proctor of Justice and Taxes

Fieldville - All citizen are required to fill out Free Territory of Fieldville Census Form #F6546951fhe-B.  All citizens must include all household members as well as residents who work for the household.  New enhancements this year include the ability to use either blue or black ink, #2 pencils are no longer allowed on Free Territory of Fieldville Census Form #F6546951fhe-B. If your household has received a Free Territory of Fieldville Census Form #F6546951fhe-B in error, you are responsible for finding the correct form and filing it before the deadline for that particular form.  Residents, not associated with the household of a citizen must file a Free Territory of Fieldville Census Form #F6546951fhe-R.  The occupants, tenants, and squatters of the Artists' District must file a FTFCF#AD - EZ and include a crisp new 5,000 Cob note.
Sage advice from the third designated spokeman for the Dear Supreme Leader

Thanks for your support - send Free Territory of Fieldville Census Form #F6546951fhe-B forms, Efile parade registrations, floats that don't have a mascot of any kind on them, floats made from: dandelions/ milkweed pods/mud/fastfood containers/duct tape/the stuff you find under rocks, dope slaps, and tweets to @cjswift ex machina

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