Drinking iced tea on a Sunday afternoon can lead to cranking a flivver in your shirt sleeves. It is dangerous - all you reading this, as you are driving down hwy 218, should text everyone you know to put a stop to it. As everyone knows iced tea is a gateway to BLTs and home canning. Why do we allow people outside their home in shirt sleeves? Why do we allow ladies on trains without a chaperone. Roughhousers and scallywags of every stripe are on today's trains, and it shocking the kind of things they get up to on our nation's railways. Cards and cigars are not unknown.
Thank you for your support - send carnies, something deep fat fried on a stick, vegetable trees, vinyl siding for your historic brick home, and tweets to @cjswift
1 comment:
You thought that was iced tea?
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