Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Enhanced Email Pick-up Hours

Fieldville - The Proctor of Communications and Photocopies announced today that in the near future Fieldville will have enhanced email pick-up hours. "It's a lot of work to read all citizens' email," said the proctor.  "The Dear Supreme Leader had told us we need to do this to protect citizens from the brain-eating propaganda of Cattown and other evil-doers"

The proctor stated that all citizens will be able to pick up their emails on the second floor of the the Food Barn during the hours between 10 and noon 4 days a week (days to be announced).  He reminded citizens that they must have Fieldville issued ID, no metal in their pockets, or more than one ounce of liquid in order to enter the email pick-up facility.  He hinted that the Council of Proctors is considering adding email sending stations in a building across the street sometime in the future.

Email Pick Up Hours May be Extended to 10 - Noon 4 Days a Week

Thanks for your support - send whatever you want (I won't get it until it is approved) and tweets to @cjswift
ex machina

And the now the bird...

Thanks Word Bird

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