Friday, June 19, 2009

Bagpipes Allowed on the Square

For those of us that don't regularly cavort with war calls and instruments - The bagpipe is a wind instrument with a number of pipes and a bag. The melody pipe, or chanter, has finger holes that are played to produce the tune. Three other pipes, called drones, have bass and tenor pitches (with one bass and two tenor drones). They are called drones because they produce single notes only that are tuned to the chanter. - Yeah and I'm not going to mention the grace notes.

As all of this was going on the square, there was no evidence of Caber Tossing, or even a single sheaf toss, but who knows how long we can be sure of this?

Thanks for your support - send Scottish Throwing Hammers, automated lawn mowers, Cullen Skink, and Twitters to @cjswift


Monte said...

Looks like a dangerous precedent. Make 'em into haggis, I say.

Monte said...

Or next we'll have sackbuts and krummhorns.

Anonymous said...

Ask Rebecca -- she'll tell you what's what.