Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cattown Sends a Sign of Capitulation to the Dear Supreme Leader

Fieldville - In what is clearly a sign of capitulation to the Dear Supreme Leader and the citizens of Fieldville, Cattown has left an offering of peace at the gates of the palace.  During the dead of the night an effigy, believed to be the major Cattown god, was moved into position outside of the palace gates.  A member of Local 43 of the International Brotherhood of the Druidic Path, has inspected the effigy and stated, "This idol is clearly the best that Cattown can do.  They are savages after all, and don't know any better.  We should bring it in the gates and set it in the palace square as a reminder to all Fieldville citizens just how superior we are to Cattown."

Several of the palace guards have said that they have heard snickering, laughing, and ghosts' voices coming from the interior of the grotesque image.  The captain of the guards has said that the voices have a definite Cattown accent.

A Close up of the grotesque idol left by the backwards Cattowners.

Thanks for your support - send Laural leaves for the Dear Supreme Leader, victory parties, idol shaped pasta for Fieldville children, a demand for more Cattown Floating Potatoes, a small pillage run down to Cattown to see what we can find, little hankies, stained doilies, low expectations, and tweets to @cjswift ex machina 

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