Monday, February 22, 2010

The Proctor of Transportation and Copyrights Unveils New Bus Design

Fieldville - The Proctor of Transportation and Copyrights unveiled the new Fieldville Citizens Transportation Bus design.  The new design features a heater for winter and fully operational windows in the front of the bus for the summer.  The proctor told Street Level that the small increase in the price of a ticket will more than be made up by the naugahyde bench seating to be installed for rider's comfort.  So before you think of walking anywhere consider a ride on the new Fieldville Citizens Transportation Services buses for only 500 cobs each way, and small fee for any bags you may be carrying. [Check with FCTS representatives for complete baggage rules]

New Citizens Buses are here

Thanks for your support - send auditions, microphone stands, snail butter, helpful Blue Cross/Blue Shield service representatives, hardware store dental kits, wasp nests in my walls, cockroach colonies, fire ants, King Tut brand mosquitoes, flaming hula hoops, vinyl siding for minivans, incorrectly translated signs, and tweets to @cjswift ex machina

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