Saturday, February 27, 2010

Porch Boy Touch-up brand Paint

Fieldville - Are you thinking of having your resident paint you home this year?  Porch Boy™ is introducing a new concept in home maintenance.  Why paint your whole house when only a few patches of wood are showing through.  Porch Boy™ brand Touch-up House Paint has a solution for you.



Your resident will have your home spiffy in less than half the time and a fraction of the cost of traditional old fashioned house painting.  Get on the bandwagon and have your resident Touch-up your home this spring.  Porch Boy™ we make your life what you deserve as a citizen.

Thanks for your support - send house size touch-up pens, no bananas, Meat Cow postcards, pulp magazines with black slashes across people's eyes, anything being sold on a shopping channel, the wisdom to tell the difference between a "Watch" and a "Warning", and tweets to @cjswift
ex machina

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