Monday, June 28, 2010

The Source of XX Sugar Parties Revealed

Fieldville - The palace today announce proof positive that the source of the rash of XX Sugar Parties, is none other than criminal Grimy himself.  It has been learned that Grimy has supplying citizen kids with extra sugar packets and Warren Zevon music.  The Proctor of Justice and Taxes is now offering a $20,000 cob bounty on Grimy's head.  Residents aspiring to be citizens one day should take note, that bounty is almost 20% of the cost of citizenship, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Here is the unretouched evidence that the proctor has released to Street Level:
$20,000 Cob Bounty Now on Grimy's Head

How would you like 10 crisp ones of these?

Thanks for your support

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