Sunday, June 27, 2010

Teens - Don't Lose Your Pre-Qualified Citizenship Status

Teens, the Minister of Morality reminds all teens that have been pre-qualified for citizenship will lose that status if accused of not maintaining a regularly applied regimen of moral hygiene and appropriate dress.  The minister also reminds teens, that accusing a well dressed, moral teen falsely, will lead to banishment to the Artists' District and permanent loss of citizenship.  The minister is quoted as saying, "During the current Grimy crisis it is especially important for pre-qualified teen to remain on their best behavior.  We know that some teens have been imitating behaviors that are only found in the Artists' District.  They should know that during the Grimy crisis, we only have resources to develop dossiers on these teens, but after the successful capture of Grimy and his very very speedy trial, we will open dossiers and take action."

A deputy minister, who wished to remain anonymous, stated, "Too many good teens are having extra extra sugar parties, what they call in their lingo - XX Parties.  Citizens with teens should check to see if their teen is wearing the kinds of clothes that a resident of the Artists' District would wear, using strange words like "Daddy-o" or "Cool", or starting to watch less television.  These are signs of teens attending XX parties, and a good citizen should turn them in to the Minister of Morality, before they infect the other children of the house.

Turn in your children to the Minister of Morality if they show signs of attending XX parties

Thanks for your support

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