Sunday, May 3, 2009

Herding behaviour

Above you can see a clowder of farm cats. Though some of you may argue that they should be called a pounce of farm cats - that group name is for a group of exclusively young cats. Since we strive to maintain object clarity in all our posts. We are trying to figure out how we can talk about a number of ferrets. OK, I just want to say it's a "business" of ferrets. Don't even get me started about what a coffle is. Herding cats is a process of being a recognized food provider - if you are same they will follow you like pre-adolescent guided to a Hanna Montana movie. This works for a clowder of farm cats, as well as, urban house cats. The question that I have is why you would want to herd cats, if it's for the sake of just herding cats, it will just annoy them and they'll find a way to herd you back. They are not like people who can be herded in any number of ways:

  • Pop Culture - will herd people into behaving in any number of ways that will be embarrassing to look back on in a year or even in a few months.
  • Fashion - this might be considered a subset of Pop Culture except that this herds people to buy names rather than goods - it is one of the best ruses around.
  • Popular Consent - if you don't agree with this, then well, you know, you can tweet me.
Advice for the day - when swimming avoid a shiver if you should see one - you know what happened to Louis Miller according to Kurt Weill.

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