Saturday, May 8, 2010

Fieldville Thought Police Area 51

Fieldville - The Fieldville Thought Police, who don't officially exist, released an official announcement today concerning "Mobile One". From behind a screen the Minister of Thought explained the nonexistent ministry's rehabilitated "Mobile One",  "We're very proud of our "Mobile One" - it's a state-of-the-art mobile persuasion chamber.  No longer do we have to drag citizens to the lower levels of the palace in the middle of the night.  With Mobile One we can just pull up in front of their house and extract confessions on the spot."

"It's a real improvement in our productivity numbers," the shadowy figure told us through the screen, "The Proctor of Human Resources and Forms, has been constantly on us about our numbers, this is going to be a real help."

Once again, Fieldville is on the move...

This does not exist and don't forget it!

Thanks for your support - send privacy screens, abandoned cities, and secret tweets to @cjsw_ft ex machina

and now a word from the bird...

The Thought Police don't exist.

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