Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fieldville Tire Station Fire Honored in Cob Park

Fieldville - Ask any citizen what makes Fieldville special, and apart from their respect and awe of ☉ur ⊃ear ≾upreme ∟eader, the Council of Proctors, and the Minister of Morality, they will smile and say, "The Fieldville Tire Station Fire, of course, it makes us special."  Even residents will smile when they think of the Fieldville Tire Station Fire, it truly is what makes Fieldville special.  In order to honor the fire, ☉ur ⊃ear ≾upreme ∟eader has set up a small tire feature in Cob Park for citizens to ponder.
Citizen and residents alike may now ponder Fieldville tires.

Thank you for your support - send dried Christmas trees, kerosene soaked Kapok, old rags and linseed oil, used turkey fryer grease, hair spray, coal slag, rusty propane tanks, frayed extension cords, pennies in the fuse box, unattended heating appliances, gas hot water heaters with faulty pilots, Sony Laptop batteries, and high inflammable tweets to @cjswift ex machina

and now the bird...

Thanks Word Bird!

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