Monday, December 28, 2009

Biff Ventures Forth...

Fieldville- Biff has emerged from underneath the bed.  In an unprecedented move the Palace has released a short film of the metamorphosis of the Vice Supreme Leader the glorious Biff. 

Biff moves to the next level

The Dear Supreme Leader refused to comment on Biff's metamorphosis this morning.  Street Level will keep all of you up to date as the metamorphosis continues.

Thanks for your support - send Gumby, Davey, Goliath, sleds, antique popcorn poppers, Jalapeño poppers, 25 people who think the U.S. Senate is not dysfunctional (U.S. Senators cannot vote here), the proper pronunciation of 2010, and tweets to @cjswift ex machina

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Clearly, poor Biff, the pitiful schmuck, is cornered.

Poor Biff.

Long Live Lance!