Sunday, December 13, 2009

Vice Supreme Leader - Biff

Fieldville - the Council of Proctors met in secret session yesterday evening and named a new Vice Supreme Leader.  The former Vice Supreme Leader is rumored to be sleeping with the fishes in Mud Lake since his run-in with the Folk.  It is expected that the Proctor of the Information Technology and Excuses may be sent to the bottom Mud Lake to determine if this is true.  This will be based on repair of the popular social network Friendbook, that has been experiencing problems.  The new Vice Supreme Leader (VSL) has been tasked with doing something about the disappearing sun and other nagging problems since the war with Cattown.

The New Vice Supreme Leader - Biff!

Street Level contacted the new Vice Supreme Leader today and he issued a short statement, "I plan to do all that I can do with all the super powers invested in me by Photoshop - and call me Biff."

We'll all be looking to see if Biff can stop the end of the world and maybe fix Friendbook.

Thanks for your support - send capes, more appropriate dress for Biff, no leotards,cigar boxes, scientific sun instruments, freezing drizzle b-gone spells, and tweets to @cjswift ex machina

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