Monday, December 7, 2009

Tomorrow is Kill U R Tree (KURT) Day

Fieldville - Tomorrow is traditional Kill U R Tree Day which all old hands in Fieldville just call KURT Day.  Citizens of all zones leave their homes, axe in hand, and head to the ditches along the Trans-County Highway where there are ample supplies of white cedars to chop down and drag back to the house. 

Tradition says that the KURT Tree originated with Cattown refugees bringing their cherished White Cedars with them as they migrated to Fieldville.  Today it is not uncommon to see prosperous citizens and proctors decorating their homes with artificial KURT Trees.  These artificial trees are often decorated with colorful bangles and be lit with all manner of electric lights.

 Everyone's favorite Dear Supreme Leader - shown here with his KURT Tree in the palace

The Fieldville Bureau of Incantations (FBI) asks all citizens to report any continuing problems they have with Friendbook, the popular social networking program.  Each problem will be assigned a weight which will promptly be converted to stones of like weight and placed on the chest of the Proctor of Information Technology and Excuses chest.

Everyone enjoy their KURT Tree and we can all look forward to the bonfire after the Solstice.

Thanks for your support - send candles, matches, dry straw, more home insurance, tweezers, sneezers, weezers, geezers, freezers, and tweets to @cjswift ex machina

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