Friday, December 11, 2009

Omens Appear at World's Edge

Fieldville - Since the discovery of the edge of the world, omens have appeared in the overhanging firmament of Crick County.  Scientists have also documented the continuing disappearance of the sun which they say has continued since June (commonly known as the month of the Dormouse).  Many scientific instruments were used to determine the sun's movement to the south.  Further, streaks have materialized in the sky and some say they can see the visage of the Dear Supreme Leader on the face of the sun.

Omens are appearing at the edge of the world

 Scientists give the sun no more than a few weeks before it will wink out altogether.  It is expected that without the sun the growing  and swimming season will be greatly affected.  Scientists cannot agree on what the omens are telling the citizens of Crick County.  Even in the evil despicable Cattown, the omens can be seen.  Local 43 of the Brotherhood of the Druidic Path will not comment without a small honorarium from Street Level and a free listing in the latest Enchiridion Indulgentiarum to be published later this year by the Palace Press.  The spokesman for the Brotherhood did say there is a chance, through a number of rituals, to bring the sun back before the end of this month.

Street Level will keep readers informed as the days grow darker.

Thanks for your support - send Gro Bulbs, heated pools, wool socks, deeper gene pools, windsocks, Cheshire Cat Smile brand (TM) tranquilizers, Tax-B-Gone spells, Cattown Floating Potato Ale, small statuettes of the world famous Fieldville Meat Cow, panaceas of any kind, and tweets to @cjswift ex machina 

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