Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Colosseum at Fieldville Park

Pictured here is the Colosseum at Fieldville Park
Unfortunately, since its privatization it is impossible to get closer than the outskirts of the park.  Since its privatization it has been home to the Fieldville Loyal Order of the Brotherhood of Druids Local 26. Fieldville Druids are mum about what purpose the Colosseum is currently used.  Neighbors claim that strange noises and light emanate from it during full moons.  And if there is a lunar eclipse, just forget about it.  Repeated requests by Street Level to gain access to the actual Colosseum met with no success.  The Department of Alcohol Firearms and Tobacco maintains a permanent observation post at the perimeter.

Thanks for your support - send kerosene lamps, itchy footed cows, crop circles, crop dusters, riding crops, and tweets to @cjswift

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