Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fieldville Homemade Stuff and Pictures Show

Well, its hard to believe that the third annual Fieldville Homemade Stuff and Pictures Show has already come and gone, and what a show it was this year, with entries from all over Crick County.  Golly, the Ham Queen was there with her ceremonial ham giving the gift of highly salted meat products.  The real show stealer this year wasn't Hattie Hollenbrook's doll mittens or even Jamie Flitterbottom's milk jug rap star portraits, but a picture.  Really, a picture did it this year, can you imagine.  Well here's the picture and the comments that we heard at the show: 

"Wow is that a real Bud Lite?"
"Where is that - it looks like it's still full."
"Boy that sure would be good right about now with a salted meat product."
"How did they do that?"
"I know what I like and I don't like that."

And that's just a sample, so if you missed it this year, that's your fault. 

In other Fieldville news - a bikest has admitted to flaunting rules, just because he could.  In the Justice and Taxes holding cell he was quoted as saying, "Yeah that's right daddy-o it was me.  What do you cats want to do about it?"

It's obvious that now's the time to enforce more rules.

Thanks for your support - send butter beans and Jell-O salads, Odor-Eater brand sandwich bags, snake extract, dominoes, coin operated clockwork Phranc CDs, cardboard, plastic bags, and tweets to @cjswift

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dudes its gone i got it!!!!!
