Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Fieldville is Wired

Fieldville is finally wired.  There isn't a bigger sign of progress than nests of wires hanging from poles.  Next to a metal-clad pole barn, you have draperies of wires; nothing says progress more.  The city is talking about starting an "Annual Wire Festival"  What would say modern Fieldville better than to block off Cob Street for a day of music and drinking to wires?  It should be known that the Pole Barn Party is lobbying for "Pole Barn Daze".  They are being supported by the Large Pickup Party in their efforts.

We hope everyone is enjoying in-town Dove Season.  Reports from the streets indicate dove harvest will be excellent this year.  While on the subject of seasons, remember that Rock Season starts for the entirety of Crick County on Saturday.  Rock Season has been growing in popularity over the last few years, and tends to have less hunting mishaps.  Would be hunters are reminded that deer must be harvested using only hand thrown rocks - no slingshots, or other power assisted processes.  All deer must be field dressed using only chipped stone tools.  Sharpened Stick Season starts in October, and Running Down and Biting on Neck Season in November.

Thanks for your support - send homemade dove ovens, stink-no-more game spice, sequined purple jumpsuits, coin operated clockwork GPS, and tweets to @cjswift

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