Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dear Supreme Leader Says - "What Problems?"

Fieldville - In a typical stroke of genius, Dear Supreme Leader has gotten rid of a number of problems that have plagued the workers' paradise of Fieldville.  "We have not been amused by the so-called Emperor of the Artists' Zone.  We have been patient with him as he conspired with the Mayor of Cattown, and aided and abetted know artists.  We have also known that there have been Proctors who have not cheerfully carried out our proclamations.  As of today they are no longer problems.

Fieldville Municipal Workers Solving Dear Supreme Leader's Problems.

This afternoon Corn Avenue was closed for a brief time while Fieldville workers assisted the Dear Supreme Leader solve his problems with the so-called Emperor of the Artists' Zone and obstreperous proctors.  After the hole was filled and paved over there was no real evidence that there was ever a problem.  Again, the Dear Supreme Leader has earned the title of Genius among Geniuses and Leader free of problems.

Thanks for your support - send more asphalt, lime, traffic control devices, caution tape, large machines constantly backing up, high school popularity and its enduring nature, giant Tesla coils, induction engines, cable TV repair punctuality, endearing memorable cheerful school superintendents, and tweets to @cjswift ex machina

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