Sunday, November 29, 2009

Honing in on the Friendbook Problem

Fieldville - in an unprecedented move, the Dear Supreme Leader himself is taking an active role in fixing the bugs in the popular social website "Friendbook".  The DSL has been quoted as saying, "We believe we can get to the bottom of the problems by helping the Proctor of Information Technology and Excuses have the correct incentive to repair our dear beloved "Friendbook"." 

Dear Supreme Leader is Honing in on the Friendbook Problem

The Dear Supreme Leader is looking for a patriotic citizen with knowledge of spreader tooth sharpening.  It is his belief that if the Proctor of Information Technology and Excuses is given a "Spreader Ride" he will be incented to fix "Friendbook".

Thanks for your support - send stones, hones, strops, props, coops, cops, scones, loans, bones, pet ducks, goat teeth, farm machinery, pressure gauges, pogo sticks, spiked dog collars, Mozambicans, dead trees, and tweets to @cjswift ex machina

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